While trying to search for fruits and vegetables that are good for the skin, I came across a website https://www.rosannadavisonnutrition.com/ that discuss "Why are Apples so Good for the Skin. Please click the link for complete details.
These are just some of the content on the article:
"Apples are a lunchbox and fruit bowl favourite, but they also contain plentiful nutrients for healthy skin. Their high content of vitamin C helps to build collagen, and their levels of copper (60 mcg in a large apple) encourage your skin to produce melanin, the pigment responsible for colour in your skin. This helps to protect your skin from UV rays and melanin also helps to build healthy tissues, hair and eyes."
It also mentions that " It’s always best to eat vitamin C from its natural, whole food source as nature intended, because synthetic vitamin C (ascorbic acid) does not offer the full spectrum of health benefits. "
With this , I will try to eat and drink Apple juice more and will try to observe if it will help in the recovery of lost pigments on the skin. Started it today, March 4, 2020
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